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Notícias anteriores:
Violência contra as mulheres: Parlamento pede à UE que ratifique a Convenção de Istambul
Violencia; Mulhres; Parlamento Europeu;
Answer to a written question - <p>Alarming situation in El Salvador: systematic human rights violations, restriction of basic freedoms and attack on democracy</p> - E-004165/2022(ASW)
El Salvador, Democracia, Ataque direitos Fundamentais
Análise aprofundada - Association Agreements with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova on the roads to EU Membership -
Europa; guerra; Ucrania, Maldovia e Georgia
Análise aprofundada - How to involve other banks in bank rescue operations? - 07-11-2023 07/11/2023
international bank resolution cases
Briefing - Equal pay for equal work between men and women: Pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms - 23-06-2023 22/06/2023
Equal pay for equal work between men and women:
Briefing - European Peace Facility: State of play as of 31 March 2023 - 11-04-2023 10/04/2023
expectations, hopes, fears and potential scenarios for future EU-China relations,
Briefing - Political parties, voter mobilisation and the 1979 European elections - 07-06-2023 06/06/2023
Eleições, partidos
Briefing - Recreational use of cannabis: Laws and policies in selected EU Member States - 20-06-2023 19/06/2023
Cannabis is by far the most commonly used illicit drug (referred to as drug in this briefing) in the European Union (EU), where its distribution, cultivation, possession and use (consumption) are largely prohibited
Briefing - Revision of EU air quality legislation: Setting a zero pollution objective for air - 05-04-2023 04/04/2023
União Europeia, Meio Ambiente, Qualidade do Ar, Objetivo Zero
Financial impact of the war in UKR: current and future challenges for the EU budget
Financial impact of the war in UKR
General documents - Next Interparliamentary Meeting of DMER: 5 June 2023 - Delegation for relations with Mercosur 01/06/2023
O tema principal é uma troca de impressões com o Presidente e membros do Parlasul sobre a relação bilateral, com particular referência ao Acordo de Associação UE-Mercosul.
Jewish cultural heritage in Europe: Preservation as a means for understanding Jewish cultural heritage in Europe: Preservation as a means for understanding Briefing 08-11-2023
Jewish cultural heritage in Europe